Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Finding Inspiration

Last night (and the night before that, since this is now my 3rd attempt) I started to write a blog post, and it just fell flat.  I would write something and then hit the backspace button, and then write something else and stare at it for a while, before I hit the backspace button again.  Finally, I just got tired and went to bed.  Sometimes it's hard to find inspiration.

I should also mention that my "uptight-ness" applies to my writing, just like it does to everything else in my life.  (Don't I sound like more fun than a barrel of monkeys?  Bet you totally want to hang out with me!)  So, I can't seem to just let the words pour out onto the screen without re-analyzing every word, sentence, and paragraph.  Maybe I'll loosen up as time goes on (yeah, right) and be able to write a blog post without requiring so much mental stamina.

So, I was feeling uninspired in the writing department.  But, there are so many areas of life where we look for inspiration to give us that extra push, to help get us to that next level.  As the name of my blog would indicate, I'm always looking for inspiration in the areas of food, spirituality and running.

Oh, okay, so I don't need much inspiration in the food department.
I seem to be able to eat with gusto without anyone else's help.
Maybe I've reached nirvana in that area? 

Anyway, as I've been reading other people's blog posts over the last few days it seems I've been met with nothing but inspiration.  Seriously, it's amazing!  To read the things that other people do with their lives, the things they commit themselves to, the journeys they embark on, the obstacles they overcome--it's hard not to be inspired.  So, I thought I'd share with you what's inspired me today.  If you're also a blogger (of the running variety, specifically), you've probably read some or all of these same posts yourself.  If you're one of my wonderful friends or family members who keeps up with my blog just to see what's going on with us, you still might enjoy reading some of these.

  1. I'm new to reading all these running blogs, but Tall Mom on the Run is clearly a running blog staple.  I was particularly impressed, and inspired to read her most recent post about running 31 miles in two days!!  Check it out HERE.
  2. The Hungry Runner Girl also has a huge blog following, and for good reason.  She is incredibly dedicated to running, and has a really fun-to-read writing style.  I really loved reading her post, 'For the Love of Running', about getting back to the basics of running to re-discover your passion.  Check it out HERE.
  3. The Manly Runner (formerly known as BQ or Die) is an AWESOME blog!  First of all, he's hilarious.  Second of all, he was willing to commit himself to the BQ (Boston Qualify) quest, accomplish it, and then continue on to a new challenge--running a trail 50k (WHAT?!?!).  His blog post this weekend was so cool to read because he got to interview Tim Twietmeyer, a rediculously accomplished endurance runner.  No, I'd never heard of him before, but I loved reading about what he does.  It was really amazing.  Check it out HERE.
  4. The first post I read on The Running Artist just blew me away.  She took to the trails this weekend to attempt her longest training run yet.  26.5 miles!!  All by herself, for goodness sakes!!  Wow.  Just, wow.  Check it out HERE.
I could go on...and on.  But, I don't think I should allow my son to play Lego Star Wars for much longer.

I'm headed to the gym this afternoon for another date with the treadmill.  Rest assured, I'll be taking some inspiration with me!

What inspires you?


  1. I totally relate with what you said at the start. in fact I wrote a blog similarly but it was about how we recharge or get our creative energy flowing or something after a "block". I remember going on a post every day to get started thing and then one day there was just this wall...a blog wall. nothing would flow. So what inspires me? reading, writing, running in the sunshine, playing with my kids,...I should find the post I'm talking about and just answer you with that. :) you mentioned some great blogs here Lisa. Chris K just makes me laugh and I love his blog! Of course Janae is one of my FAVS too...always. and all the others you mentioned are fabulous too....Great choice for shout outs! :) And look at you....already 23 readers! you rock!

  2. okay, here it is...Clearing Energy Blockages...Similar topic coming off of a writing Block! :) :

  3. If I'm lacking motivation or inspiration it never fails to read some blogs. :) Right now though I think I have TOO many blog ideas. I could post 15 times a day because my mind is always reeling. If I spent as much time actually running as I do THINKING I'd probably be as speedy as Janae by now. hehe

  4. Technology! If I am feeling uninspired there are thousands of websites, blogs, forums, etc. to bring me out of any "blahs" I may in. Go on Facebook, see what your friends are up to, text your best running friend, it's all at your fingertips. Or the complete opposite, go outside and enjoy the beautiful sprintime weather!

  5. I'm very new to the blog world - I'm only a week old I suppose :) I am amazed by some of the accomplishments of other people. A blog I randomly came across is what inspired my husband to start blogging and then me. I know most people may not care to read my random thoughts but you never know when someone might stumble across your blog and be inspired.
